Infrastructure Engineer, Cloud Operations Engineer

Infrastructure Engineer, Cloud Operations Engineer

Vyresnysis (2-4 metų patirtis)
50% atsakoma į užklausas
Kaunas, Lietuva 100 €/Mėn. Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui

Didžiausia patirtis

Windows Servers | Windows Install & Support | Linux Servers | Linux Install & Support | Red Hat | Linux | Scripting | Linux/Unix Admin

Patirtis Sektoriuje

IT Įmonė


Tik Europos Sąjungoje
Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte: 1 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 100 €/Mėn.
Darbinis statusas
Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui

Apie Mane

My name is Vilius and I am 27 years old. I have Bachelor's degree in informatics and I have always been close with IT as it is very interesting to me. I am currently working in DevOps Team and my responsibilities are keeping QA\DEV Infrastructure running and creating improvements for maintenance or making QA team life easier. Some jobs/scripts are written and stored in Jenkins others are in my notes as I constantly trying to automate all my recurrent tasks. In current role I am working in different areas such as Networking, Storage and Physical servers – everything what makes infrastructure to be alive and resources are used efficiently. Mostly I am writing Powershell and bash scripts for deploying vCenters, Linux, Windows VM’s, setting up VMware vCenters and configuring them accordingly to given requirements.

Working as an Application Delivery Engineer in Call Credit Group company I was working with different projects and I had to assist in delivering the product with DevOps tasks. Before I was working as Platform Build Engineer in Barclays IT center in Lithuania, Vilnius. Infrastructure and servers have always been my passion, I like to develop and maintain IT infrastructure, troubleshoot and learn more about technologies and usage in our environment. I am eager to learn more and I think I am on a good road now(I mean my each next step is going deeper in IT infrastructure architecture and servers, I am constantly expanding my knowledge tree).
I have small amount of experience running queries on Teradata, working with MySQL in University. Oracle and SQL Database installation on servers, pre-configuration
before Primary DBA. Setting up TSM (Tivoli Storage Manager) on servers, configuring routes depending on server location. Powershell and Bash scripts to automate some daily tasks and deployments. Working with CISCO switches, troubleshooting in networking layer (server or switch side).

My English verbal and written skills are good, I have basics in Italian language as well.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Red Hat 3-4 metai Linux 3-4 metai Scripting 3-4 metai Linux/Unix Admin 3-4 metai Shell Scripting 2-3 metai Ubuntu iki metų Kernel iki metų
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 2-3 metai
Bash 1-2 metai
Windows Servers 3-4 metai Windows Install & Support 3-4 metai Linux Servers 3-4 metai Linux Install & Support 3-4 metai Active Directory 2-3 metai Virtualization 2-3 metai VMWare 2-3 metai LDAP 1-2 metai Network Protocols 1-2 metai Hardware Assembling 1-2 metai Firewalls 1-2 metai Load Balancing 1-2 metai Network Security 1-2 metai Cisco 1-2 metai Data Storage & Backups 1-2 metai Storage Area Networks (SAN) 1-2 metai Routers 1-2 metai OpenStack iki metų HyperV iki metų VirtualBox iki metų Linux Security iki metų LAN/WAN iki metų
Scrum 1-2 metai
PowerShell 1-2 metai
Infrastructure Architecture 1-2 metai Application Architecture 1-2 metai DevOps 1-2 metai System Architecture 1-2 metai Enterprise Architecture 1-2 metai Network Architecture 1-2 metai
Mongo DB iki metų MySQL iki metų NoSQL iki metų MSSQL iki metų PostgreSQL iki metų
JSon iki metų Nginx iki metų HTML iki metų REST iki metų
ElasticSearch iki metų RabbitMQ iki metų
Confluence 2-3 metai Jenkins 1-2 metai Puppet 1-2 metai Git iki metų Jira iki metų
IT Įmonė 5-6 metai
Inžinierius(-ė) 3-4 metai IT Analyst 2-3 metai Asistentas(-ė) 1-2 metai Database Administrator (DBA) iki metų
Lietuvių Gimtoji Anglų Proficient Business Level (C1/C2)
Nauja Vieta ir Kelionės + + + Neįveikiama Komanda + + + Įkvepiantys Vadovai + + + HIGH-TECH darbo priemonės + + + Culture of Experiments + + Išskirtiniai Projektai +
Vidurinė mokykla Gautas diplomas Bakalauras IT srityje Gautas diplomas

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